英國雜項遊記 2000/2001

在英國讀書期間,都會趁空閒時間到讀書的地方附近走走,來一個day trip。

倫敦 London


Covent Garden

Buckingham Palace from St. James Park

The main gate of Buckingham Palace, note that the Union Jack is use instead of Royal Standard

Westminster Abbey

The most important line that divide the world, the Prime Meridian of the World, The Old Royal Observatory

A visit to the Icon of London, the Tower Bridge, in summer

Big Ben and the Palace of Westminster, also known as House of Parliament

Big Ben and the Routemaster double decker bus

The Mall with Union Jack

Rehersal on Trooping the Colour, for the official Queen's birthday, near Horse Guards Parade


華威 Warwick

華威,Warwick,大概位於Oxford與Birmingham中間,鎮內最著名的就是Warwick Castle。

The gate house of Warwick Castle

The apartment inside Warwick Castle

Demonstrating the traditional Long Bow

Right outside the Warwick Castle, the River Avon

劍橋 Cambridge


Bridge of Sighs over River Cam, St. John's College, University of Cambridge

New Court of St John's College, University of Cambridge

Mathematical Bridge over River Cam, Queens' College, University of Cambridge



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