
Showing posts from October, 2000

英國雜項遊記 2000/2001

在英國讀書期間,都會趁空閒時間到讀書的地方附近走走,來一個day trip。 倫敦 London 當年讀書,坐火車前往倫敦大概只需一小時,因此有時為了補給,有時為了消閒,有時則因為無network,都會隨時來個London一日遊。讀書期間,我想至少十多次倫敦了。 Covent Garden Buckingham Palace from St. James Park The main gate of Buckingham Palace, note that the Union Jack is use instead of Royal Standard Westminster Abbey The most important line that divide the world, the Prime Meridian of the World, The Old Royal Observatory A visit to the Icon of London, the Tower Bridge, in summer Big Ben and the Palace of Westminster, also known as House of Parliament Big Ben and the Routemaster double decker bus The Mall with Union Jack Rehersal on Trooping the Colour, for the official Queen's birthday, near Horse Guards Parade 📷旅行相簿: 華威 Warwick 華威,Warwick,大概位於Oxford與Birmingham中間,鎮內最著名的就是Warwick Castle。 華威城堡於1068年建造,原本是用來作防衛用途,直到十七世紀則改為鄉間別墅。 The gate house of Warwick Castle The apartment inside Warwick Castle ...